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Resources for Plant Cytoplasmic Ribosomal Proteins
New Nomenclature System

We here compiled a complete list of RPs in rice and Arabidopsis and integrated them into the new nomenclature system (Ban et al., 2014). We hope to provide a platform for follow-up ribosomal studies in the plant community and facilitate cross-kingdom communications.

If you need detailed sequence informatiom. please download our AtRPs Sequences or OsRPs Sequences files.

Reference: Ban, N.et al. A new system for naming ribosomal proteins.Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2014. 24: 165-169. 


PlantCRP from the Small and Large Ribosomal Subunit

Large Ribosomal Subunits (48 subunits, RPLs List)

Small Ribosomal Subunits (33 subunits, RPSs List)

Cytoplasmic Ribosomal Pseudogenes
Email the authors at lantingchn@foxmail.com
If you publish results obtained using PlantCRP, please cite:
Lan, T., Xiong, W., Chen, X., Mo, B., & Tang, G. Plant cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins: an update on classification, nomenclature, evolution and resources.
The Plant Journal,
110(1), 292–318. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15667

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